Awards & Honors: Dr Dinesh Singhal
- Max Healthcare ‘Group’s most promising innovation Award’ 2018.
For Emergency Laparotomy Care Protocol for Low – Middle Income Countries - Max Healthcare ‘Susruta Award for Clinical Excellence’ 2017
- Asia Pacific Digestive Diseases Week 2008 Best Poster Award for Management of
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: a single center experience in the pre-Imatinib era - Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Gold Medal for Best Research Paper 2008
For ‘Isolated loop pancreatic remnant drainage following pancreaticoduodenal resection’ - Recognized amongst its top ten percent research fellows by the Department of Surgery,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2004. - Gold Medal for Best Performance for M.S. (Surgery) examination 1992
- First Prize in All India Inter Medical Essay writing competition, 1989
- Number of awards in extra – curricular activities.

Awards & Honors: Dr Nitin Vashistha
- Max Healthcare ‘Group’s most promising innovation Award’ 2018.
For Emergency Laparotomy Care Protocol for Low – Middle Income Countries - Max Healthcare ‘Susruta Award for Clinical Excellence’ 2017
- Fellowship of American College of Surgeons, 2017
- ‘GEM’ (Going Extra Mile) award – provided for excellence in work performance, contribution to
organizational goals, 2013